Tag: sketchy student-teacher relationships

In Sweet Valley, is there any other kind?

Sweet Valley High #11: Too Good To Be True

Raven recaps Sweet Valley High #11: Too Good To Be True, in which we meet a girl who makes Jessica look like Mother Theresa.

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Sweet Valley High #7: Dear Sister

Dove recaps Sweet Valley High #7: Dear Sister, wherein Elizabeth is Jessica, Jessica is Elizabeth and the Wakefield parents are literally the worst parents in the world.

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Sweet Valley High #2: Secrets

Dove recaps Sweet Valley High #2: Secrets in which Enid Rollins is the only decent human being

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Sweet Valley Twins Super Edition #9: The Twins Go To College

Raven recaps Sweet Valley Twins Super Edition #9: The Twins Go To College, in which there’s so much inappropriate grooming it might as well be called Sweet Valley Lolita.

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Sweet Valley Twins #85: Elizabeth the Seventh-Grader

Wing recaps Sweet Valley Twins #85: Elizabeth the Seventh-Grader, and Raven is right: Sweet Valley Middle School has the worst teachers in the world. BURN. IT. DOWN.

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Jessica vs Elizabeth (The Hunger Games) by Dove

NaNoWriMo2017: Jessica vs Elizabeth – Chapters 3 & 4

Dove continues to word vomit for NaNoWriMo. The Hunger Games tributes are announced. Who will be on there? Do they have a hope in hell against Jessica? (No, they don’t. They need your sponsorship. Sponsorship = leave a comment, not money.)

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Sweet Valley Twins 16: Second Best - Jamie Suzanne

Sweet Valley Twins #16: Second Best

Wing Recaps Sweet Valley Twins 16: Second Best. Where brothers dislike each other, and it’s up to busybody Elizabeth to turn them into BFFs.

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Sweet Valley Twins #7: Three's a Crowd

Sweet Valley Twins #7: Three’s a Crowd

Wing recaps Sweet Valley Twins #7: Three’s a Crowd, wherein we find out that Mary looks just like the twins, and her mother looks just like her, so… um, everyone looks like Alice Wakefield?

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Sweet Valley Twins #2: Teacher’s Pet

Sweet Valley Twins #2: Teacher’s Pet, wherein Elizabeth is much beloved, Jessica wants to murder everyone and Madame André deserves to have her ballet studio burned to the ground.

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