Tag: Needs More Werewolves

Wing thinks every story needs more werewolves. (Even stories with werewolves.)

Cover of The Unicorn Club #11 Angels Keep Out

The Unicorn Club #11: Angels Keep Out

Title: Angels Keep Out Tagline: Playing dirty… [Wing: Where’s Nydick? He’d be thrilled with this.] Summary: Guess what the Angels

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Sweet Valley Twins Super Chiller #7: The Haunted Burial Ground

Wing recaps Sweet Valley Twins Super Chiller #7: The Haunted Burial Ground AND DEAR GOD THE CULTURAL APPROPRIATION BULLSHIT.

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Sweet Valley Twins 24: Jumping to Conclusions by Jamie Suzanne

Sweet Valley Twins #24: Jumping to Conclusions

Raven recaps Sweet Valley Twins 24: Jumping to Conclusions, wherein Alice might be sleeping around, and the Wakefield kids are going to SORT. THAT. OUT. Cue #BestJess and some wild and zany schemes.

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Sweet Valley Twins 3: The Haunted House

Sweet Valley Twins #3: The Haunted House

Raven recaps Sweet Valley Twins #3: The Haunted House, where the entire school mistakes an orphan for a witch, and bullies her accordingly.

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