Character: Melissa McCormick

An “orphan” with a living father. Is not scared of Lila. Her mother’s death was the subject of Book #58 (Elizabeth and the Orphans), but in book #86 (It Can’t Happen Here) she picks up Melissa from the Dairi Burger. Guess that death thing didn’t take.

Sweet Valley Twins Super Edition #7: Jessica’s Animal Instincts

Wing recaps Sweet Valley Twins Super Special #7: Jessica’s Animal Instincts and oh my god, the highs and lows. THE HIGHS AND LOWS. And adorable bear cub.

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Sweet Valley Twins #86: It Can’t Happen Here

Dove recaps Sweet Valley Twins #86: It Can’t Happen Here wherein Sweet Valley tackles the Holocaust and the dead rise from the grave. Not hyperbole. #DoveGoesBOOM!

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Sweet Valley Twins 63: Poor Lila by Jamie Suzanne

Sweet Valley Twins #63: Poor Lila!

Dove recaps the best book in the series, Sweet Valley Twins 63: Poor Lila!, wherein Lila is poor, the twins are nearly absent and EVERYONE is sassy.

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Sweet Valley Twins #58: Elizabeth and the Orphans by Jamie Suzanne

Sweet Valley Twins #58: Elizabeth and the Orphans

Dove recaps Sweet Valley Twins #58: Elizabeth and the Orphans wherein Melissa and Andy McCormick lose their mother and it’s actually quite sad, and Elizabeth does very little, except show up every few pages to remind us that she exists.

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Sweet Valley Twins #2: Teacher’s Pet

Sweet Valley Twins #2: Teacher’s Pet, wherein Elizabeth is much beloved, Jessica wants to murder everyone and Madame André deserves to have her ballet studio burned to the ground.

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