Character: Pamela Jacobson

Subject of a Very Special Episode, where we learn that being disabled is just like spraining your ankle. Her brother, Denny shows up in far more books. Probably because he’s “so cute”. Status: Never seen again. Presumed dead and buried in the Mercandy backyard by Jessica.

Sweet Valley Twins 28: April Fool by Jamie Suzanne

Sweet Valley Twins #28: April Fool!

Raven recaps Sweet Valley Twins #28: April Fool! This book sees Elizabeth and Jessica join forces against their brother Stephen, who has become possessed by a giant squid. The fourteen-year-old sandwich chomper threatens to squirt his murky ink all over Sweet Valley, and the twins decree he Must Be Stopped. (Actually, that’s a big lie… April Fool!)

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Sweet Valley Twins 24: Jumping to Conclusions by Jamie Suzanne

Sweet Valley Twins #24: Jumping to Conclusions

Raven recaps Sweet Valley Twins 24: Jumping to Conclusions, wherein Alice might be sleeping around, and the Wakefield kids are going to SORT. THAT. OUT. Cue #BestJess and some wild and zany schemes.

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Sweet Valley Twins #11: Buried Treasure

Wing recaps Sweet Valley Twins #11: Buried Treasure wherein Ellen and Jessica find buried treasure at the exact moment the class money goes missing and conclusions are drawn.

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