Character: Robin Wilson

A gigantic fat girl the size of a cruise ship who somehow slims down to Wakefield perfection after running for a week. Anyone on a weight loss journey envies Robin’s weight loss abilities. Or thinks that SVH is the bitchiest school on the planet for fat-shaming a size eight. Either way, Robin, you’re too good for this shit. Kill them all.

Sweet Valley High #20: Crash Landing!

Raven recaps Sweet Valley High #20: Crash Landing! In which not even a titular exclamation point can muster up a flicker of interest.

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Sweet Valley High #4: Power Play

Dove recaps Sweet Valley High #4: Power Play and goes BOOM every few paragraphs. Also Liz doesn’t understand sarcasm or metaphors. Seriously.

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Sweet Valley High #3: Playing With Fire

Wing recaps Sweet Valley High #3: Playing With Fire and three books in, she’s burning Sweet Valley to the ground.

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