Character: Lloyd Benson

Need a nerd? Randy Mason and Winston Egbert are busy? Don’t worry. Lloyd Benson is here. I don’t know what his thing is. Winston is a Booster, Randy wears a “Physics is your friend!” t-shirt. Lloyd is the leftover nerd.

Sweet Valley Twins #76: Yours for a Day by Jamie Suzanne

Sweet Valley Twins #76: Yours for a Day

Wing recaps Sweet Valley Twins #76: Yours for a Day, and is way too charmed by a made-up holiday focused on pink romance.

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Sweet Valley Twins 75: Jessica and the Earthquake

Sweet Valley Twins #75: Jessica and the Earthquake

Dove recaps Sweet Valley Twins #75: Jessica and the Earthquake, which unfortunately does not have the same body count as the Sweet Valley High book called Earthquake.

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SVMS Yearbook Cover 2018

Sweet Valley Middle School Yearbook Superlatives

Raven and Dove never did yearbooks. They never did superlatives. They felt like they missed out. Here are what they came up with…

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