Episode 9: Belinda Billie B*ll*cks
Dove: Apparently I didn’t remember to update this on Monday, so:
Wing, Raven and Dove talk about Sweet Valley Twins 24: Jumping to Conclusions; Super Edition 2: Holiday Mischief; and 25: Standing Out. They also discuss Bleak Valley and how these books tie into this theory.
Music is provided by Stuart Taylor, who can be contacted on taylorstuart602@gmail.com if you wish to commission music.
You can read our recaps at Sweet Valley Online, tumblr or visit us at Facebook or Twitter (follow @SweetValley_)
The book mentioned can be found here.
Also: TB, I’m so sorry, but I (Dove) keep referring to you as “TG”. Apologies.
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I always assumed the softball team was a club team, which means they’d be playing together 10+ months (at that age) together.
In California, baseball and softball are both spring sports for high school.