Delay To Your Scheduled Programing
Hello! It’s Raven here. Hope all is well.
I’m here with a quick note regarding this week’s recap, which is delayed by a few days to allow our participation in real life. Specifically, to allow our participation in UK PonyCon. Which was most edifying, offering us the chance to partake in a plethora of Pony-based activities this past weekend.
The book has been read. Thoughs have been had. And writing has commenced.
We’re planning for the recap to be posted on Thursday morning, with no further delays to the posted schedule. [Raven: Hi there. Raven here. This “Thursday Morning” thing proved to be overly ambitious. Don’t get old, folks, it sucks balls. Normal service will be resumed on Monday, and we’ll catch up the week when we’re feeling more frisky. Also, comment-ception in effect. I’m so meta, I have legs.]
Oh, and the podcasts for Books 3 and 4 are on their way too, expect them this week. Along with Cover Calypso and the first edition of Raven Reads for our Patreons.
So yeah. Busy week, eventually. See you later!