Everything you need to know

Welcome to Sweet Valley Online, where we are in the process of recapping Sweet Valley Twins and all of the offshoots, in publication order. Since it has lots and lots of characters, here’s a cheat sheet. And here’s our book shelf.

We update almost every Monday, with three text recaps and podcasts in a four week period and then an off week. During the podcasts, we discuss Bleak Valley, which is Raven’s twisted idea. Long story short: Liz is an only child. Sweet Valley is all in her head.

You can find our podcasts here or download/listen to them on your favourite podcast provider. The music in our podcast is provided by Stuart Taylor, and you can contact him on taylorstuart602@gmail.com to commission music for yourself.

Note: Our podcasts are on hiatus, due to illness and various personal issues, we fell out of synch with the recaps and are now laughably behind. Though stay tuned for updates on this subject, because we haven’t completely given up just yet!

Who we are:

Identical twins (or at least sisters from another mister). We like our fiction dark, fast-paced, and humorous. We love snappy dialog and strong female characters. Diversity: super important… so, will Sweet Valley be any better than Point Horror for this? This time around, we’ve added Raven to the chaos. He’s funny. You’ll like him.

If you want to contact all three of us email us, or see below for separate contact info.


Totally the evil one of this trio. Never read Sweet Valley Twins, dislike pastel colors, and prefer my fiction with monsters. Clearly this is going to go well for me. (Don’t tell anyone, but Dove can talk me into pretty much anything. Always funny that she has to work up the nerve before she asks.) I recap with Dove at PointHorror.com, and my mantra holds true here: every story needs more werewolves.

Follow me on twitter @devilselbowpodEmail Wing


Allegedly the less evil one out of Wing and Dove, but my husband, aka Raven, will probably disagree. I’ve been recapping on PointHorror.com since January 2013, and I feel it has taken me that long to work up the nerve to ask Wing to help me tackle Sweet Valley Twins. I read this series back in the day, and bought a book a week for a few years but never managed to finish the set. Now I have a few more pennies in my pocket and the wonderful resource of the internet, I’m able to find the ones that are missing in my collection and read it from beginning to end. I have nostalgia goggles when it comes to SVT, and I think this will help rip off those goggles. Or I’ll convert Wing and Raven. Who knows.

Follow me at twitter @SweetValley_Email Dove


Definitley not the evil one of these particular Three Amigos, despite having the most Goth pseudonym. I’ve never recapped anything, nor have I read any Sweet Valley Twins, and before last week I lacked both the desire and gumption to start. I do possess, however, a workable vocabulary, a bucketful of snark, and a pelican stuffed with whimsy. I am bringing the lauded Male Perspective to the table, and thus will not be truly satisfied until someone in Sweet Valley is outed as a terrorist and mown down in a hail of bullets. (Don’t worry, that’s a lie. My mind is so open it has been repeatedly looted by vagabonds, and I fully expect to fall in love with the Wakefields and their friends. But until I do… yippie-ki-yay.)

Follow me at twitter @Bookshelf_RavenRaven

We are a part of Nostalgic Bookshelf, which includes snarky recaps of all sorts of nostalgic media. Finally, we are twinned with Devil’s Elbow, where evil twins and friends come together to snark Point Horror and other teen genre fiction; if you need something a little less saccharine, maybe that will fit the bill.

Edit December 2020: It should go without saying, but apparently this does need spelling out explicitly: Please do not repost our recaps to other sites. There is no need to repost our work. If you enjoy it, share a link. This site has never been offline, and the cost of keeping it online is well within my (Dove’s) budget.